---Item Pick-up
I've noticed that the bot has a really quick reaction between opening a chest and looting it's contents. It's probably about a half second reaction time. A decent player would likely take around 1-2 seconds to look at what just dropped before looting. Most people will probably think, "1-2 seconds is still fast" but I'm just basing that on my, my friends, and streamer reaction times that I've noticed. The bot itself is inhumanly fast. In the event GGG logs chest openings and pick-ups, they might see a lot of chests and looting within the same second time frame.
Mob looting seems random enough to be human.
---Buff Re-casting
For skills such as Righteous Fire, Blood Rage, and Tempest Shield, the bot tends to constantly recast even when out of combat. I've notice that the bot will roam around looting items and opening chests while still constantly recasting bloodrage every 10 seconds. That's basically saying, "Hey guys! I'm going to always recast my buffs the moment they disappear without missing a beat! That's because I'm a bot! Ban me!!!"...
The bot has exploring and combat detecting as far as I'm aware. (Quicksilver flask options help make this assumption) so buff recasting should be using the same methods.
---Map Toggle
From my assumption on Buff Re-casting, if the bot can detect combat scenarios then it should allow the bot to toggle the map on while exploring. It's very suspicious that the bot knows it missed loading a small square area of the map, from across the map, without using the main map. You don't get that kind of information from a tiny minimap usually.
---Stash organizing
The bot always dumps all spoils into the first tab unless it can't fit an item. Then it deems it as full as moves on to the next stash tab. This has a few issues. It always leaves gaps in the stash which could have otherwise been used for storing currency. However it decides to put them over into the next tab. It would be nice for there to be a priority stash system.
Example... Stash 1 is dedicated to currency and divination cards, 2 is dedicated to gems and jewels, everything else is for items. You can set this in an editable filter similar yet separate from the item filter. Something in the order like...
Detect item as currency > check if tab 1 is selected > tab 1 is selected > detect empty space > stash item
Detect item as a unique > check if tab 3 selected > not selected so move to tab 3 > detect empty space> stash item
Detect item as a unique > check if tab 3 selected > tab 3 is selected > detect empty space > no empty space so move to tab 4 > detect empty space > stash item
I dunno. I'm not a coder but it could probably work with the same item filter fundamentals along with some edits.