I have almost exactly the same setup, so I'll post my issue here:
The game crashes semi frequently, usually in relation to a) how many resources are being used by the main computer and other vms(not any atm) and b) how long the VM/PoE/bot have been running.
The game loads slow --> freezes --> disconnects to login and functions poorly afterward, or crashes completely and doesnt restart.
Chicken/Timeout (takes too long to finish map, stuck back&fourth, stuck in doorframe, etc) --> exit to login --> many more problems
CPU /phys memory usually spikes from 50-90+% during this, then when it freezes, drops back down.
I've done just about everything in the Sticky compendium. Graphics are at suck level (3.5), but I still get funky things like accidentally grabbing an item from the right most column, middle row, without "knowing" it, and looping.