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Posts posted by Triarii


    It seems the issue is truly restricted to 32bit systems!
    Ofcurse this means that my Tradespammer with its current version should work on every 64Bit system without any problem!
    reading a 64-bit process' memory from a 32-bit process:
    Without going into undocumented APIs, you can't do this. In general, reading a 64-bit process' memory from a 32-bit process won't work due to the address space differences.
    EnumProcessModulesEx, which has LIST_MODULES_32BIT and LIST_MODULES_64BIT filter flags, has this to say:
    This function is intended primarily for 64-bit applications. If the function is called by a 32-bit application running under WOW64, the dwFilterFlag option is ignored and the function provides the same results as the EnumProcessModules function.
    I still need to investigate more on this... 
    The quickest way for you to get a solution to this is by installing a 64bit windows  :| 




    My Desktop is 64bit. It's not working on a 64bit system. I have no idea why it's reading it as a 32-bit process if that's the issue.

  2. I'm using two seperate computers, both win64, non-steam PoE, Tradespam v3.1. Laptop and a Desktop.

    My laptop has a fresh partition, fresh Windows install, it works with tradespam.

    My desktop's hasen't had a fresh install in years. It doesn't work with tradespam.

    It spam the actual text that you want it too, and it loops, but nothing at all is logged. Any idea?

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