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Beta Tester
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About CopyCat

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  1. Running from ethernal lab is broken since 0.23. Running from hideout is partly broken, better said it never worked fine. The bot often just stops creating a new run and chills at your hideout. Manuall pause / unpause is necessary.
  2. Vorici loop: EB loops at Vorici at Sarn Camp in a dialogue (clicks on dialogue>okay>dialogue>okay etc.) Till infinity or manually paused and restarded. Map loop: Picking a map from stash to inventory and placing it back into stash till infinity. Sometimes a pause and restard bot works.
  3. CopyCat

    I get ban so fast now any idea why ?

    These 3 things decrease your bann risk significant: 1. Read the beginner guide here: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/1673-simple-tips-to-avoid-getting-your-anus-banned/ 2. Use your brain and think out of the box. 3. A portion of luck is required.
  4. CopyCat

    Mapping form hideout .

    Already filed a request which can be supported here: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/3509-request-support-for-hideout-mapping/
  5. Requesting: Using hideout map device to run maps instead of eternal laboratory (grants bonus %IIQ) Edit: Including selling / stashing in hideout.
  6. Go-around / Fix: 1. Place your main ranged skill on *left mouse* as highest priority 2. Disable "press shift while attacking" 3. Lower your skillrange (<400)
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