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Beta Tester
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Posts posted by roylamk17

  1. Yes. I think we should list out the bugs of the BOTs. Then, Allpone and others can help to fix them as soon as possible.


    I find the bugs are:


    1. The bot will not pick up Sacrifice maps and other items after clearing the corrupted areas. In the other words, the bot will focus to portal back to the town without detect the item pciket after killing the corrupted areas' bosses. Therefore, it even will not portal back to the corrupted areas to loot the items.


    2. Same problem with BUG 1 for running the normal maps. e.g. The Library.


    3. The bot unable to detect the Phase 2 of Dominus.


    4. The bot unable to recast the arua after die or chicken.


    I think those 4 bugs should fix in next version since those really adversely affect the efficiency of the bot.

  2. I want to pick up rings with energy shield =>30 and total resistances =>60

    So, I write this:


    [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_energy_shield] >= "30" && [TotalResistances] >= "60" && [stashItem] == "true"


    Also, I want to have the amulets can have energy shield, energy shield% and total resistances. And I have this:


    [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_energy_shield_+%] >= "15" && [base_maximum_energy_shield] >= "30" && [TotalResistances] >= "60" && [stashItem] == "true"


    But, it does not work.


    Any problems occur in the above codes?



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