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Everything posted by Exiler

  1. Exiler

    Exiled Bot Skill usage (Witch)

    Thank you guys very much, I have a better understanding of it now THANK!
  2. Exiler

    Exiled Bot Skill usage (Witch)

    Or am I doing it wrong? Must I replace the code from hamncheese with the one in skill config? And then restart the bot?
  3. Exiler

    Exiled Bot Skill usage (Witch)

    Thank you, but it is still only using the default skill, and the ice skill. Mostly the default. And at very very close range it uses the icy skill.
  4. Exiler

    Exiled Bot Skill usage (Witch)

    Hello, I recently started using this helpful bot. Works fine, but one thing I can not figure out... I have a new character a Witch level 27. It only uses it standard skill. Even If I set priority to 0 and try all other settings with it. Just cant get it right. Even after seeing some tutorials still dont know how to. I want to make it use the skills like this, (0 is disable, not wanting to use that skill)... 1 has the most priority, goes first and so on.) And here's my skill config file. I really just cant figure it out, could some one help me?? - Nick
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