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Beta Tester
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Posts posted by Analyst245

  1. On 10/18/2017 at 5:29 PM, Darkdreamz said:

    Any thoughts or ideas yet? I've not been able to bot for a week now between the updates and now this issue. I've reset the bot the same as I used in 72.g but it just stands in the HO after casting Poachers Mark curse, set up as a blasphemy.  

    i had the same problem a while back and i realized that had had an aura set but i took the gem out, so bot just stood there until i put the gem back so what i am saying is look at all the settings and make sure you have all the settings right.

    and i was using ver  0.71 till today now waiting for alk 

  2. Simple to explain, maybe not so to code: If bot's trying to login and gets more than say 2 or 3 "your location has changed please reenter your password" dialogs or whatever it says then it stops trying. I say 2 or 3 but that's a guess as to a number that wouldn't interfere with what autopoe does so that's the number I mean :)

    +1 maybe we might be able to set how many times it logs off and on 

  3. I think your conclusion is wrong - the sharing of information works in our favor.  While I am sure some of the developers  of POE are smart people, they are not sitting around and watching us all play. They are relying on machines to recognize patterns.  I will not try to sound like an authority on the matter because I am far from it. I have only barely messed around with this bot, and I am not really familiar with how POE is spotting it.


    However,  the more the bot breaks free from recognizable patterns and blends in with the playerbase, the harder it will be for any algorithms to spot us.  THe more information that is shared about how we're detected, the more we'll adapt and blend in with real players.


    Here are some things I've considered as obvious tells that IMO should be fixed:

    1. The bots sell one item at a time over and over.

    2. Patterns of skills and movements should be put on user defined ranges that are used based on a RNG distribution. (For example, I want to use skill Q 70% of the time so  the bot decides if Q is going to be used each time based on a draw of a pseudo-random number generator.)  I think basing decisions on statistical distributions of a solid RNG will destroy POE dev's end game  at catching us.

    3. Quitting out the game when we're about to die over and over looks like an obvious tell to me too.


    Again, everything should be more random, and only controlled by ranges of thresholds.  Do not set patterns. POE devs can't beat it if you don't give them clear patterns, and sharing what they are helps us all.

    Now here is a cleaver person i agree with everything he says i would have loved to have posted this myself but too noob.

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