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About stoneface

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  1. stoneface

    New Bot / Stuck

    Installed Win7 evrything working perffectly ! my shield charge build will soon be posted here too ! Thanx a lot for answer and strange that the bot didnt work on win XP ( less ressource used to multiple bot ) Now i can copy my VM and start buying new vpn thanx again
  2. stoneface

    New Bot / Stuck

    Thanx for reply , today ill instal a win7 OS to try it , ill post it back , thx
  3. stoneface

    New Bot / Stuck

    On my win7 vm i got vpn issues im using openVPN and its harder to setup the TAP-Win32 than on XP ::'( i try to figure out the vpn rather than bot ! thanx for reply
  4. stoneface

    New Bot / Stuck

    Hi , I am running Exiled bot latest version Exiled Bot Beta v0.17d. I am using VMWARE 7 ( got screen flash issue on VMW10 ) Everything is running great , My open VPN + POE on windows XP I installed Net FW 4 + DX But the problem is The bot didnt even move mouse , i got my differents screen flashing but the bot move without doing anything ( only one direction where the mouse automaticly move ) I can show you my configuration files but its pretty like default/with skill filled . If anyone can help me Thx a lot
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