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Posts posted by bbones

  1. got the same problems as said in op and it was from may.. not yet fixed? Damn...

    Just like PoE has its nemesis in the form of desync that will never be fixed, EB seems to have 2 of them - back and forth bug and broken looting (both of which are far worse than any other bugs and have been around forever), doesn't seem like there is much that can be done about them, just deal with it :)


    UPDATE ON 09/12/2014
    Change Logs:
    1. Fixed bugs introduced on the last script (auto shift and health % per hit  feature)
    2. Updated offsets to 1.2.2
    3. Added new option to use status ailments flasks (frozen, shocked, burning)
    4. QuickSilver flask will now only be used if there are no other quicksilver flask already running (so the if you use the quicksilver the script detects that and won't use another one over that)
    Full changes:



    This is incredible! :)

  3. Thank you for the awesome script, its been a huge help since our bot is unable to handle anything but life flasks.


    I'd kindly ask you to update the .ahk file to the latest version like you did with the .exe when you get the chance. I was using a slight modification to quicksilver flask duration, but - of course - I cannot edit the .exe. If you're still looking for suggestions in general then a quicksilver flask duration slider would be nice (but probably has been suggested enough times before).

  4. @ecko: it can't be helped, boss farming doesn't really work (or it has too many bugs anyway).


    @Abra:  the only question is why you would NOT want to farm her :)


    Im dreaming of a bot that can run Piety or Dominus and knows Chaos Recipe - that would be the ultimate efficiency. But just one of those things would be nice for a start.

    • Upvote 1

  5. Usually when I don't answer to a bug report or a feature request it's because I'm already aware of it and it has been reported multiple times. But it doesn't mean that I don't read all the topics.

    As I said on the shoutbox yesterday I'm not home atm and I had to update the bot with some unfinished work that I wouldn't release in the current state normally. So this topic will help me to fix the bugs faster.

    Btw If you have any suggestion or there is any topic that you'd like to discuss with me, feel free to send me your skype username in PM.


    Its totally understandable that you don't need to asnwer every repeated bug report, hence my suggestion of an current patch known issues list - to save yours and our time :) That would make it clear for us what you already know and (plan to) work on and we would post less repetitive bug reports (that you woouldn't have to spend time checking).

    I appreciate you offering to talk in skype, Ill keep that in mind :)

  6. Ive caught the bot several times standing next to act 3 vendor with the dialogue (Sell, Purchase etc) open. As far as I can tell this happens when the bot sells all the stuff and accidentally clicks on the NPC on its way to stash.


    This is a pretty old one: the bot goes to town via TP and as soon as it enters the town it clicks the TP immediately back (or clicks the TP back after IDing loot) thus rerunning the same instance again, this time with (almost) no monsters. Happens more often than I'd like.

  7. I think that a (presumably) simple change in bot's script is a better answer than an item that would cripple the bot's build. And I only run out of wisdoms in maps (because of how many rares the bosses drops), in normal zones I get more than enough of them too. Keep in mind that how many wisdoms you spend directly depends on bot's IIR too.

  8. After giving up on rare maps long ago (getting stuck looting at pretty much every boss and not just bosses too), I gave them another shot a while ago (encouraged by immo, tnx;p), and pickit seems to be doing a better job of it now - although the system seems to be mostly the same, the bot has less problems with the big piles of loot.


    Now what I cannot figure out is how to not run out of wisdom scrolls. I do want to keep identifying rares (selling them for alts that add up fast and alchemy shards that help to upgrade the maps). Obviously filling up half the inventory with wisdoms is not a good solution, and I don't always have time nor will to attend the bot for such a trivial matter as putting wisdom scrolls in its inventory.


    It would make sense to sell the cheap currency that isn't good for anything but for whatever reason that is not possible (bot just ignores the [sellItem] tag). Pretty please? :)

  9. Its all cool guys, sorry if I sounded too dramatic in the previous post ;)


    I do understand that this is kind of a more "casual bot", but I really think that you have a great base of the bot already and some polishing will go a long way. Its a shame to hear that making boss runs more efficient requires so much work though. If the maps wouldn't give more exp and wouldn't be far more fun to play - none of which botters care about -  then most of PoE players would only run bosses.


    Peace :)

  10. Ah, that explains the slow updates.


    We are still working on fixing stuff. Just had to slow down a little bit development.

    I think the most important is being able to farm maps again and again and again don't you ?

    Btw you can get most of the game's endgame stuff in 3 weeks from scratch if you do stuff properly with the right character.


    I can't speak for everyone, but I don't see why anyone would want to bot maps. If the bot could run bosses (dominus, piety) FAST (not exploring the whole zone) and stack huge amount of IIR and IIQ then it would be waaaaaaaay more efficient. Only good reason to run maps is for experience and after a certain point you really don't care about bot's level.


    To be honest I think that this bot has maybe 25% of the possible efficiency, and I don't feel like exaggerating at all. Gettin stuck, getting stuck while looting, identifying and selling slowly, bad inventory management,  many many many various bugs (mostly small but hey they add up), not being able to sell rares for chaos recipe (this one's pretty huge), very low customisation (afaik certain other bot's API brings it to the level of Exiled Bot, even though that bot itself is faaaaar behind for the average user), the list goes on...


    I totally understand that PoE is a pain in the ass to make a bot for and you've done a great job, but you really cannot say that the bot is "almost there" (or at least making the impression) when it actually isn't even nearly there. There are soooooo many improvements to be made (and not having an API as I meantioned means that YOU need to do it all yourself, no other way), that it makes me sad to see that youre working on another bot instead :/


    I'm not one much for judging, you surely have your own reasons (mostly money I imagine but hey that is important) and know better, just my honest opinion.

  11. Ah so I'm not the only one, only I've never seen it reported before.


    Yeah it makes sense for it to be ping related I guess, only the ping issues won't go away (especially with many of us using VPNs), so it would be nice if something could be done so we don't lose our precious belts and armors :)

  12. Hey, heres something really weird that I've noticed. It has happened 3 or 4 times so far: I find the bot with either its belt or chest armour on its cursor in town. The first time it happened at least a week ago or maybe more, so its not the latest patch issue - but I thought that something completely unique had happened and didn't bother reporting. However as I said its happened a few more times so its certainly a recurring issue and while its very rare its also pretty serious - last thing we want is the bot to take off its own gear and vendor it or something :)


    Anyone else seen anything like that?


    Edit: as I said I've only seen it in town so we can conclude that this happens during the item identification/stashing/selling process.

  13. Happens once in a while, pretty rarely as metaxer said.


    While pausing/unpausing or moving the bot to a nearby location (it will just go back and keep attacking nothing) doesn't do anything, killing the nearby monsters (1-2 screens area) seems to fix - so my guess is that for whatever reason the bot reads the monster location wrong and thinks that a nearby monster(s) are in the location that he it is trying to attack.

  14. @fantominus - are you by any chance also running your bot(s) at very low frame rates like 10fps? Thats one idea that came to my mind about what we might be doing differently than most people (because many are using vmware however they don't report or have this issue) to cause this, because it is still happening to me in latest version of bot. A couple of tests with changing framerate to 60 when I catch the bot being stuck in this loop has fixed it whenever I reactivate the bot at high frame rate, but its not enough to say for sure.

  15. A nice idea indeed but unless the stashing process will get way faster (espeacially cycling through the different stashtabs) i would not activate such feature  :oops:

    Just imagine you've got a full stash and the items in your stash are ordered (which ofcurse happens random due to the order the items drop) like this: first items tab2, second item tab4, third item tab1, and so fuckin on ^^

    Stashing would take ages  :oops:

    Yeah good point. Although using it say only for maps and good uniques wouldn't make the stashing considerably longer but would decrease the mess in the stash quite a lot :)

  16. One thing I'm wondering is where do you even get the maps to upgrade with the currrent bot :) I mean, I can't even run rare maps because it only makes the bot get stuck more while picking up loot and I don't pick up nearly half the low level maps that the bot has problem with (pathing, stuck near boss room etc), so I'm barely making it even while running all the low level maps I get.

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