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Posts posted by Sslabak

  1. ok, this never happened to me but i asume that you have your main attack bound to the right mouse button and since i am not stopping the bot while upgrading a gem i belive your "casting" exactly the time when the cursor is over the "+"...


    I'll see what i can do to fix this for the next release!

    I'll try to change my key bindings and test

  2. Big big thanks for the work. 3.2 works like a charm so far!


    Update: One smal bug so far - once it uses rightclick on "+" button (leveled gem) instead of left one, so the gem moved to inactive state alongside with my CwDT setup  :roll:

    Update 2: Happened twice, so I suppose it can be tested with alot of low level gems easely

  3. After last EB version released today (0.20e) EB-Tools stops using some of Enhancements option like Auto vendor cords and Force instant gem leveling. Also Stop using Jades and Quicksilver flasks. Before patch this issues appears only when you restart script/bot/client multiple times without reboot your PC.

    Just to confirm - i used fully clear launch (rebooted PC) and start EB and PoE client only via EB-Tools. Any suggestions here?

  4. please try to run PoE & EB through EB-Tools



    the bot will be stuck trying to click the left edge of the screen at the Waypoint selection screen


    Have the same issue. Running both (EB+PoE) through EB-Tool. Running bot manually work fine, but (ofc) we need it to work with EB-Tools


    Update:it's happens when you trying to run EB-Tools with zero checkboxes at Configuration -> Zones to change. Which is sad, because i want to use "piety farm" script which is not represented in EB-Tools (but you can run it via EB only)

  5. Hello, everyone.

    When this bug actually gonna be fixed? Since it reduce to nothing the entire meaning of the paying for bot "you go afk and do not worry about nothing". Personally i can't sit next to monitor and checking it every half hour.
    Really appreciate your work, but can you at least hint us - when?
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