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Beta Tester
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Posts posted by milb1989

  1. Set up ground slam with minimum 2 targets in range. Set range to 450 so it attacks before mobs are totally on you. Set heavy strike to 200 or less range with 1 target in range. Quicksilver and granite flasks can be used by running poe multi script which can be found in the user script sections. Put enduring cry on a level 1 cast when damage taken and put immortal call on a higher level cast when damage taken. There you go.

  2. Agreed. I see this issue almost every other run when farming piety due to all the fencing and cages in the area. I also have run into it while mapping in places with lots of small rooms close to each other. You either supervise and intervene or risk losing a map all together as it then ports out and back in over and over until out of portals wasting tons of time and a map.

  3. That's the issue I have as well. The bot clears the maps then goes back to same lab instance and takes each and every portal until fully exploring each one, however after the first one and its all cleared there is no more mobs or loot so its just wasted running time. Makes no sense at all.

  4. I made a rookie mistake yesterday and turned my bot on and left. I had done a few quests changing the NPC window and when I returned 2 hours later my bot was running back and forth at Clarissa failing to sell. This was totally my fault I understand, but would it be hard to enter some sort of fail safe like "fail to sell 5 times in row = exit and shutdown pie" or something? Just a thought.

  5. Agreed with all of above. Played d2 lod from 13-18 as well, then d2relived 1.09 server for about a year. I don't know why I didn't pick this game up earlier when I got beta invites but I'm glad I decided to give it a try. Been playing two months now and have had tons of fun and still gave tons to learn.

  6. I can seem to figure out what has happened, but here is what I'm seeing...

    The bot used to be very fluid at both walking and attacking. Attacks were very quick, and the bot walked fluidly through town without issue and through instances easily besides getting caught in stairs now and then. Now, the bot 50% of the time stutters through town and instances. It walks a few feet, pauses, walks a few, pauses... Until it gets to where its going. Attacks seem to be having a very similar issue. Where attacks used to be quick and continuous until mobs were dead, it now seems to be spacing out its attack clicks. Again, this is about 50% of the time. Sometimes my attacks are full speed, other times they are spaced out causing some serious issues while running. Chickens have gone up ten fold because of this.

    Since version b I have not had crashing, so that's nice, but as of right now I am not comfortable running in this current state.

    Note: I have redownloaded bot, dug through my settings and configurations, and generally done everything I can think of. I am using no scripts or add ons, just the bot and poe.

  7. 1 bot. On 1 of 2 rigs depending what I'm doing.

    Old Asus laptop.

    Dual core amd, 4gigs ram, ssd, geforce 9300m GS

    Main desktop.

    I5 3570k under water @4.5ghz

    8 gigs ram


    Gtx680 2gig

    3tb WD storage drive

    MSI z77 motherboard

    Nzxt switch 810 case

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