Windows 7
So new auto not loading bot, its the newest version of both to date and was working fine before. I can start bot manually and run it, Auto starts POE but not bot. Both checkmarked "run as admin"
Here is log:(sorry cant get it to paste for some reason)
[Normal] [2/4/2014 11:28:37] : starting client
[Debug] [2/4/2014 11:28:37] waiting for one of the following (blah blah)
[debug] [2/4/2014] 11:28:38] bot status return: no_bot
[debug] [2/4/2014] 11:28:38]poe handle updated to 0x001402d8 from 0
[debug] [2/4/2014] 11:28:38 poepid updated 4596 from 0
status return: checking resources
loading timeout cleared
bot timeout cleared
current statuses: checking resources , no_bot
sleep required before loop
and just keeps repeating for several minutes until I stop it. Deleted all and re-downloaded, still not working.
Internet here at work is pretty slow, but I have used both for quite a while and just after this update it wont work.
Thanks for help, ur program makes me able to run the bot due to frequent drops.