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Posts posted by azker


    For chicken on specific monster on sight (new line for each name, can use regex) what is regex?


    damn Jikeji killed my level 70 invasion and no hes after my level 4:( I have never been able to get bot to chicken on Jikeji for some reason, most work but never him



    It isnt 100% working atm.

  2. That's all fine :) Procedure clear to me :)

    I'm looking for a programmer who would write such a script. I'm not a programmer, unfortunately :) I think those who play RF quite a lot and so many useful script.

    You can try to write it?

    So what is it exactly you want it to do?


    List it like this, 





    If I were to try to do this it wont be in ahk but in .net probably, of course full source code will be available.

  3. Is it possible to write such a script for snapshoting?

    - Switch weapons 

    - Included the right skill (eg - Righteous Fire - cooldown 30000)

    - Switch weapons

    - Bot ran to find exalt orb :)


    He must do it every time when entering the location.


    Is it possible?


    Well you can write a script that pauses the bot when entering a new location that is not the town and make it press X to switch weapon then click EB and change the settings and after its done make PoE window active and press continue.



    i would say, its impossible to say what is the best, its all about personal preference. in the end it probably comes down to a couple of other factors aswell.


    - how well the bot run the area (getting stuck here and there, etc.)

    - killspeed (quantity of monsters in comparison)

    - monster density

    - etc. pp


    Well if someone can clear any area and monsters with the same speed, theoretically say you do 100k dps and 1 shot every monster, which place would be best then?

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