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About catvo

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  1. catvo

    Map Bugs

    1) Once every few runs after the first run, the mouse will just barely miss click the Map device leaving the character standing one spot because the map device is not clicked. I would have to manually click a spot further away so the bot moves back, then reclick the map device. 2) When I enable rare jewelery and belts to be stashed in pickit, sometimes the bot recognizes it as a map and click on it and puts it in the map device. I had to comment out the accessory's in pickit to get passed this. 3) In one of the maps, as sooon as the bot goes in the portal, it stands there for a bit then click the portal again which makes the bot leave the map without even moving to kill any monsters. It does this a couple times til there are no more entry portals. I think it accidentally clicks the portal out, as it is trying to move around the area. Edit: the bot puts rare armor in the device map as well now*
  2. catvo

    infinite loop with chanced items

    ^same thing happening to me
  3. catvo

    how to close?

  4. catvo

    Bot selling all wisdom scrolls and tp's

    How can i pick up helm,glove,boots,ring,amulet magic items and sell it to vendor. im pretty sure my syntax was correct, but whenever i enable magic rarity, the bot sells my wisdom and tp scroll as if they are categorized as magic.
  5. i think i know what the problem is now, it has to do with allowing selling rarity 'magic' items. Please look into it devs.
  6. catvo

    Using arctic armor

    I'm interested in this feature too. When i cast it as aura , it just keeps turning on and off.
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